I was looking specifically for storage solutions. In our current apartment we have quite a few built in bookshelves as well as other shelving, cabinetry, and storage. Now that we're getting ready to move into our first house, I'm aware we're going to need some storage options!
I found this wooden shoe rack and only paid $1.00 for it! The woman selling it was asking $2, but when I pointed out a slight wobble (easily fixable with a little glue, by the way) she put the price down to $1. Not bad! I'm thinking I'll either paint it or stain it.
This storage tier still had the original $15 price tag on it from Bed, Bath, & Beyond, but I got it for $2. I'm planning to use it for craft supply storage.
This sweet little baby-sized quilt was just twenty cents. I can't tell if it's handmade or not, but it seems like it probably is...? It seemed too cute to leave behind; some little fellow somewhere would like to use this, or perhaps a little girl could use it as a doll blanket. I'm sure I'll think of someone to give it to!
Look at this fabulous giraffe marionette! Asking price: $5. Price I paid: $3. It's wooden and looks to be pretty durable - a good quality toy. I bought it with my three nephews in mind, but as soon as my husband saw it he begged me to let him keep it for himself. It is kind of fun, I must admit. I guess my nephews will have to fight my husband for this find!
These five items cost $2.50 altogether. They are not particularly useful, but I thought the little blue glass inkwell would look cute in a windowsill or something, and I liked the plates, too. I'm thinking of using the square glass vase to transplant some of my rapidly-growing cactus plants into.
Here's a closeup of the blue inkwell. Cute!
And finally, more storage items - three big baskets for $2.50. I think I'll store my sewing supplies in these, as my fabric, thread, patterns, and notions are rapidly outgrowing their current home in just one basket.
All that for $11.20. The craft storage containers alone would have cost me more than that if I had done my shopping at retail stores! Yard sales are my new favorite thing about summer.

I think we should go yard-saling sometime!