There are lines like these:
"I'm standing in line with 200 girls who are younger and thinner than me... who have already been to the gym."
"Why did I pick these shoes why did I pick this song why did I pick this career whyyyyyy does this pianist hate me?"
"I suck I suck I suck I suuuuuck!"
"I will not be the girl who gets asked how it feels to be trotting along at the genius's heels!" [How many times have I thought this?!]
But the capstone humorous moment, for me at least, is always this line:
"But Jamie needs space to write since I'm obviously such a horrible annoying distraction to him what's it gonna be like when we have kids?" [Because when one is being dramatic about one's relationships and furthermore one's entire life, one ultimately comes to this question as the drama to trump all dramas.]
You can listen to the song on YouTube, although I should preface it with a warning that it does contain a bad word. You have been warned.

AHHH!!! That is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time! I love it! "Why does this pianist hate me?" Oh I have SO thought that before. Along with "I suck I suck I suck I suuuuuck!" Whoever wrote this is brilliant.