But oh! Life is so very busy all the time.
The process of migrating my old blog posts over here, and beginning the process of winnowing them quite extensively {goodness gracious, blogging was a different sort of thing in 2003, and I was a different sort of person, and not all of that needs to be preserved for posterity!} has brought back a lot of memories. Things that would likely have lain forgotten forever if it weren't for having had a somewhat consistent place to record things both large and small, the important and the everyday, for the past decade of my life.
I may be dismally out of the habit, but it's not a habit I'm ready to let go altogether.
And so I find myself here in a new home. A continual feast doesn't sound good for one's waistline, does it? But while it may not be good for the physical health, it is quite good for the emotional and intellectual health!
"A cheerful heart has a continual feast." -Proverbs 15:15
There's really nothing quite like finding the little things to be cheerful about to nourish the heart and soul, and that is one thing I plan to do here on my blog. Collect the little moments for our own hearts to feast on... and of course, you're invited to the feast, too!
Thanks for reading! If you want to follow along with us, don't forget to update with this new site address in whatever blog reader you use!
Until soon,