Wednesday, August 30, 2006


My left eye is bright red. I can't wear my contact lenses, so I've been wearing my glasses -- which have a very old prescription. Consequently, I walked into a wall at a restaurant last night, and today I'm afraid to do any of the things on my to-do list: driving to the gym, going to the grocery store, going to Home Depot. Oh, bother.

My Mom arrives tonight!


  1. Oh no! I'm sorry to hear about your eye.

    I was thinkng about you just now, in re: your tragic dress shopping fiasco...You may have already found your dress, but let me share Kate's dress-shopping strategy.

    Before going to the discount shops, we invested a morning at a nice David's Bridal where Kate was able to get help and ideas on the style of dress that she wanted. Then, after trying on sizes and styles there, we ditched our 'consultant' and went to find a less expensive, same type of dress elsewhere.
    It might be worth it to go some place nice just to get preliminary help on what you want...though I know you've probably already figured out what you want by now.
    I was just thinking about you as I got ready for work! *hugs* Have a great day and please keep in touch as much as you are able at this busy time!

  2. Hi Sarah! I have a quick question for you...what is Katie Malczyk's email address? I want to email her to get her snail-mail address so I can send her real live and exciting mails. See you around...

  3. OK, I have to admit I laughed at your misfortune. That so sounds like something I would do. I hope your eye recovered quickly!

    It sounds like you have been phenomenally busy! I hope all goes well and you do end up with some more violin students and a job more in line with your degree.

    Oh, and I never responded to a question you posted on my blog - I did read the first book of the Zion Covenant series by Bodie Thoene (wow, I spelled that right without looking it up!) and I enjoyed it. I did get a little annoyed with the main character at times because of her obtuseness with the reporter guy, but I was willing to overlook it. I started the second one and was so disappointed that my favorite character had been killed off in between books that I put the book down for awhile... then the book was due so I returned it and never checked it out again. I still think about it though, and I really should give that series another go!
