Monday, November 7, 2011


This morning I was browsing through some photos, both old and recent, on my iPhone. I came across a few good memories.

There was the time last spring that my brother Jonathan and sister-in-law Jenn visited us from California. We went to the New England Aquarium, where Jenn took lots of pictures. And I took this one of Jenn:

Then there was the time last May when my lifelong straight hair decided to be slightly curly for a while. I was perplexed:

The gig I played last spring, which my brother-in-law Andrew also played. We were seated next to each other and thought we should photograph the occasion since it's probably the only time that we, a violinist and a horn player, will ever sit next to one another in an orchestra. As for our horrified expressions... well, it turned out to be probably the worst orchestra in the world.

Driving back to Boston from Maryland at the end of my time at NOI over the summer. I had so many good memories and pictures from the festival itself that when I climbed into my car I remember thinking I should document the end of it all, too.

And finally, practicing with my good friend Melissa the day before our grad school ensemble auditions this September. {I had been wearing a cardigan but it was warm in her apartment, thus my atypically bare arms.} Lounging on the couch with our legs crossed, because clearly that is the best way to get some serious practicing done.

I'm glad I live in a time when snapshots of daily life are so easy to take, and so convenient to share.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the "serious practicing" photo. :) Like you're thinking "ho hum, I have some time to relax, I think I'll kick back my violin..."
