Thursday, November 24, 2011


I have so much to be thankful for:

my husband Nathan, who is also my best friend, who selflessly emptied my barf bowl more times than I can count over the past 10 weeks, who spoils me with love and affection, and who can always make me laugh.

our baby, 16 weeks along and doing great. and I'm even pretty sure I felt our little guy move in there yesterday, a sudden ticklish flip-flop while I was lying on the couch... quite amazing. talk about something to be thankful for.

my family. they are all wonderful, and I consider myself blessed to have family members so fun, so smart, so funny, and so thoughtful that if one could choose families, I would have picked them out for myself.

my in-laws and their love for us. this morning when I came downstairs in my pajamas, they said, "you can do whatever you want today; in fact, if coming downstairs has worn you out, you can go take a nap!" being at their home is offering us much-needed rest.

my brother-in-law Andrew, who lives with us, and is not only a good brother-in-law but also a good friend.

my friends. I will probably do a whole post about "how to be a good friend to a sick pregnant woman," because many of my friends have been just the perfect example of that, and I am thankful.

our house, which is very much a work in progress but nonetheless is spacious, and warm, and a very decent roof over our heads. there really is no place like home.

my students. they don't always practice enough, but I love them all anyway, and I'm grateful that I get to make a living as a freelancer and a teacher.

our church. a year ago we were not in such a happy, uplifting, and welcoming place to worship. we love our new church home, and we have both been refreshed by it!

music in my life, each and every day. it just makes the world a more beautiful place.

food, and not only the fact that we can anticipate an abundant feast this evening, but also the fact that I am finally feeling much better and can enjoy it. and can even type the word "food" without vomiting. As weird as it probably sounds, that's pretty miraculous to me right now.

Thou hast given so much to me,
Give one thing more, - a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if Thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise.

~George Herbert

Happy Thanksgiving!

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