Wednesday, July 11, 2012

the first post-baby gig

On Monday I played my first post-baby gig.  Appropriately enough, it happened to be a studio orchestra recording session for a children's book and CD.  The work being recorded was a humorous narration/song called "The Bandshell Right Next to The Zoo," with lyrics and narration by actor John Lithgow.  Mr. Lithgow was so fun to hear - whether he was just speaking to the orchestra, collaborating with the conductor, or narrating and singing the song, every word he spoke was positively eloquent.  When the book and recording are released, I'm definitely going to get a copy for Nell.

After Nell was born, I actually didn't touch my violin for five weeks.

When I picked it up again, let's just say it wasn't pretty.  I thought I'd practice some excerpts, but as it turns out, torturing oneself with the Schumann Scherzo after not playing for over a month is not recommended.  So I turned to Kreutzer instead.  And when Nell was willing to sit happily in her swing while I played (usually for no more than 30 minutes at a time), I'd practice through those etudes.  And that was how I started to get my fingers back in shape again, knowing I'd have gigs like this one coming up soon enough.

It was hard to leave this girl on Monday -- the first time I've left her! -- and drive into Boston, knowing I'd be gone for about five hours.

{She was in the capable hands of her Dad, though, and probably didn't even miss me.}

I missed her, but it was nice to be back in the swing of things, and it ended up being a really fun gig to play - probably in my top five.

The studio, with musicians milling about:

A creepy and unflattering side-shot of the famous man himself, which doesn't do him justice in the least.

The room where the magical mixing happens.

I got to hear some of the takes in the sound booth before leaving, and I think the finished product will be good.  I'm definitely looking forward to it being released so I can buy a copy for Nell, and one for my nephews as well!

So, a fun day of musical adventures, but I was so glad to come home to the most beautiful baby in the world at the end of it.

1 comment:

  1. Mom sent a selection of your recording so we could listen to it. The boys were laughing out loud. :)
